No More Bean Car
Well, that month went by fast. I think it went by even faster than December. Either that, or I just went through one heck of a time warp. I guess maybe I just needed a little bit of a blog break.
Let's see updates....updates....
Let's see updates....updates....
- Work=busybusybusybusy. I think I'm getting a little more used to the volume/ pace of work in the clinic setting. Either that, or I've just figured out how to deal with it a little better. Either way, it's still way more ridiculously busy than I ever would have imagined. It's just as stressful as working in an ICU, just in a different way.
- I wonder if I will ever figure out a way to have time to check blogs/ personal email while I'm working... I'll get back to you on that one.
- It's been at least a month since I've read anyone's blog and that is a little sad to me. I'll try to do better I promise :( What do I do at night, you ask? Catch up with DD, help make/ eat/ clean up dinner, do laundry, watch the designated TV shows (no DVR=little TV flexibility), fall into bed, repeat the cycle. Damn my life is exciting.
- Social life=busybusybusy. Every weekend there is always something fun going on and for that I am extremely glad and happy. It's good to have so many awesome friends.
- In general, content with life. Still have goals to work on...have done a little more research...will get back to you on that when the master plan has been formulated.
- And the latest news is that my poor little bean car is officially dead. I finally took it to the body shop yesterday and I got the call today that it is officially totaled. Time to go car shopping!
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