You Know it's Cold When...
- You wake up wearing long sleeves and pajama pants, and the covers are still pulled up to your chin
- You tiptoe from the bedroom to the bathroom, not because you're trying to be quiet, but to limit the amount of bare skin touching the cold, hardwood floors
- You get dressed in the bathroom after showering because it's the only warm place in the apartment, even with the heat on
- You wear long john's under your scrubs, just so you can survive the eight minute walk to the subway station
- You wear the dorky Christmas socks with reindeer on them because you know they are thick enough to keep your feet warm
- The eight minute walk to the subway station becomes a five minute walk
- During the walk to the subway station, you may throw yourself in front of oncoming vehicles just to get there faster
- Also during the walk, you do not under any circumstances take your hands out of your pockets (even though you have gloves on), at risk of losing a digit
- You almost run an old couple off the sidewalk because they are walking way too slow
- You wear your ski jacket with the hood up, even though you already have a hat on, and you know you can't really see the oncoming traffic because you have no peripheral vision
- You don't care if you look like a crazy, fast-walking eskimo
- You keep your hat, gloves, and scarf on during the entire 25 minute ride to work, when you would normally take them off
- It's been 10 hours since you've been outside, and your hands are still cold
- For once, you are actually dreading leaving work in the morning
Amen, sista! To every. single. one. of. these!!! If Spring doesn't come soon I'm gonna cry.
Oob, At
3/10/07, 10:57 AM
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