Bean's World

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Well it must be a good night at work because here I am blogging again. Actually I have several things that I'm supposed to be doing right now, but seeing as how I am a professional procrastinator, I'll do that stuff later. I guess that's the reason why my taxes still are not done.

Anyway, I thought of something that might be funny to have as a running bit on my blog. It will be called "Overheard in ICU." I'm going to have to start writing down some of the weird, funny, and interesting things that come out of patients mouths while they are in the ICU. You see, many ICU patients are confused, demented, delirious, etc. They can say some wacky stuff. And it's not only the patients, but the doctors, the nurses, the family members, everyone. This is still in development since I just thought of it tonight so I haven't had much time for compiling, but here are just a few things I have overheard tonight:

Family member: Do you see that he has a fever again? Are you going to give him Tylenol?
Me, thinking to myself: Considering that the patient's temp is clearly labeled for me to see even from outside the room, and the fact that the patient's temp is the very reason that he is here, and the fact that I am the nurse taking care of this patient, don't you think that I have already noticed the temp of 99.8 (which isn't even that big of a deal)? And perhaps if you would hurry up and leave and quit asking me stupid questions, I could give it a little sooner.
What I really said: Don't worry, I'm about to give him some Tylenol soon.

Coming from the patient's room next door:
Nurse: dave....Dave....Dave!.....DAVE!......DAVE!!....DAVE!!!
There is no response from the patient
Me, thinking to myself: Hellooo, your patient is comatose, and hasn't responded any of the other 8 times you've tried to wake him up in the past two hours... get over it!

I go into my patient's room and he is wide awake, staring at the ceiling:
Me: Do you see something on the ceiling?
Patient: My wife and I have been married thirty years, and it's still not working out.
Me, to myself: Riiiight, OK I'm gonna go now.

That's all I got for now. And now, I really have to go and work too!


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